Understanding The Visa Path to Purchase (And How To Close More Cases)
Written by Lachlan Still on Oct. 6th 2018
According to a Google study, it can now take up to 127 touch points before a user purchases an item online. With so much information at our fingertips, the path to purchase is very rarely "Identified issue. Open Yellow Pages. Call the first ad I see". 

It's now more like "Identify problem. See if I can do it myself. Read 10 'how to' articles. Begin Googling service offerings. Click on 10 of them. Cull the ones I don't like the design of or the message for. Google the remaining for reviews. See if they have social media presence..." and so on! It can really be exhausting. So how do you capture them at the right stage, and then convince them to stay with you?

And look, unless you're spending 10s of thousands per month, have specialised tech such as a Data Management Platform, elaborate pixels and omni channel tracking with your CRM.. you really need to take a 'best practice' approach to the user path to purchase.

Also, apologies for the jargon above! 

So, without further adieu, here are 6 ways you can pre-empt the path to purchase. 

1. Consider Location and Convenience. Especially for Google Search ads - get specific with your location, be convenient for your customers. Whilst people want an outcome, they also want convenience - Set your targeting parameters within your location and offer the in-office consultation experience, also specify other means of delivery. For Migration agents - A Zoom conference or Google hangouts is a great way of facilitating a consultation if they can't come to the office. 
2. Count on an informed & Well research consumer. This is a big one, and something that we hammer home with all of our clients. Stop making your marketing all about you, and all trying to drive an enquiry. The reason websites convert SO POORLY (1-3% max!), is because the messaging is all wrong. If you had a sales person that converted 1% of the leads given to them, you would 100% fire them. Your key take away, and if you only do ONE in this list - make it this one: Ads & Landing pages don't always have to center on a transaction. Be helpful throughout the research process and establish your brand as a trusted resource early on! (Also, offer them something for free, like a PDF, a case study video for the specific type of Visa..) 

3. Expect that search will lead to discovery. What we mean by this, is consider what moments you want to capture on your customers path to purchase. A landing page with an enquiry form, is going to be different than if someone is researching the types of visa's available to them. You want information pieces and emails given along the way, enticing the user to come back for more - be it video reviews from customers, a facebook post, an email with a case study.. which then leads to an enquiry form! Think beyond the last click.

4. Think about organisations, companies, blogs and email lists that share your audience. Is there a website out there that shares your audience? Even if they seem unrelated, but match your audience profile - see if you can buy ads there or share their email list. 

Consider partnering with related brands in different (but connected) verticals to reach similar audiences.

5. Never. Ever. Underestimate the power of a review. This one speaks for itself. In your CRM, or email automation program - every client who successfully uses your services, should be sent a request for review across at least one platform! After they're reviewed you, make sure you request a referral from them.  

6. Remember that the world is mobile first - Your website and emails and images ALL need to be mobile friendly. If they're not, you can guarantee that 50%+ of your web traffic will leave your website. 

Have a think about your users journey, what questions they need answered, where they hang out online and what you can give away for free to build your authority.. and then start doing it! 

Lachlan Still

Lachlan Still helps Migration Agents systemise and grow successful Migration Agencies. He is an expert at helping people get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand.
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